1800 PSI on this three year old flat to semi-pitched roof in Santa Cruz. This one story beach style home is situated beneath Eucalyptus trees. There are no gutters on this home…just spouts. The spouts(and there are several) begin as small holes within the “rubberized” roofing material itself. Most flat style homes use this design. Typically they are useless because if the roof is flat…..well then it’s flat. Water won’t run uphill and it won’t run without a hill. I know the roofing material companies these days claim these roofing materials are designed and built to hold standing water and debris etc.. I don’t doubt that whatsoever.. But what about the odor and infestation that begins to occur during that water and debris gathering process that, if left too long, can gag a maggot? Huh Mr. Roof Salesman?? Bottom Line..Do yourself and your neighbors a favor and keep it clean, or have someone keep it clean for you. We’ll leave a light on for you..